By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills
Have you considered what successful writers eat for breakfast? It must be The Breakfast of Champions, or are they just regular people with normal tastes? I posed this question to several writers, and wow, the surprising responses!
I arranged this list from most popular to . . . different.
Coffee: 15—This includes the coffee-only bunch. My favorite too!
Eggs: 13—These are prepared in various ways.
Bacon: 6
Fresh Fruit: 5
Oatmeal: 5—Loaded with fruit and nuts.
English Muffin: 4
Smoothie or Protein Drink: 4
Toast Plain: 4
Toast with Peanut or Almond Butter: 3
Avocado Toast: 2
Breakfast Burritos: 2
Coke Zero or Sugar-free Soda: 2
Granola: 2
No breakfast: 2—Intermittent fasting
Yogurt With Fruit/Goodies: 2
Avocado: 1
Cheese: 1
Green Vegetables: 1
Potatoes: 1
Grits: 1
Hot Tea: 1
Nothing: 1
Pie if the day after Thanksgiving or Christmas: 1—A suspense writer
Rice Cake: 1
Sausage: 1
Toast with cheese: 1
Water: 1
Words: 1—This Breakfast of Champions came from a writer who is also a Doctor of Psychology.
“My favorite response is from Jerry Jenkins. “I drink 2 fluid ounces of an herbal supplement called Magic Mind and eat a Jimmy Dean Breakfast Burrito topped with a teaspoon of Rosso Pesto sauce. And I take my caffeine cold—in a zero-calorie soda.
Everybody tells me the supplement is a sham, the processed and microwaved burrito consists of empty calories and nutrients, and the aspartame in the soda will kill me, but I’ll be 106 in September and feel great. [OK, the 106 is a bit of fiction, but that’s my profession.]”
If you are wondering, my breakfast is half an English muffin or all-grain toast with homemade nut butter, fresh fruit, and tons of black coffee. A huge splurge is scrambled egg whites and avocado toast.
What do you eat as your Breakfast of Champions?
Comments 40
my favorite breakfast is bacon, eggs, and coffee.
at our house what we call the breakfast of champions is cold, leftover pizza – yumm-o!
Laurie, I’m laughing! Ms Picky DiAnn wouldn’t eat pizza if it were warm. You have a unique breakfast of champions, but that’s why your house if filled with Champions.
Cinnamon raisin bagels with cream cheese with an apple is my favorite!
Rachel, sounds yummy! Thanks.
Breakfast: what a great topic!
As in my reading choices, I like variety. After exercise, and I have to do that first or this champion won’t get it done, I have oatmeal with the works, or an egg on a biscuit, or healthy cereal with fruit. Cinnamon goes on the sweet meals and ground pepper and turmeric on the savory ones. Too much caffeine causes heart palpitations so coffee is a weekend treat and its tea the other five days. But, chocolate sneaks in there frequently.
I look forward to Saturday breakfast as a special time with hubby. We share the cooking, and enjoy our meal on the deck, watching the hawks, deer, and sometimes coyotes in the back yard.
But, lately, the best breakfast of champions for me is when my three-year old grandson calls and asks, “Oma, will you read me a book?” We FaceTime while he views the book in my lap. That one book usually stretches to five or six but I count it all joy and love to hear him process the story & lessons learned. Jonah is his current favorite.
Karen, what a champion breakfast for a champion oma! Thank you so much!
Such a fun question, DiAnn!
My stomach is ready to eat by 7 a.m. Oatmeal is my go-to.
Egg white omelet with ham, red peppers, and a touch of scallions, and coffee are also on the list.
Oh yes, blueberries, too—yum!
BUT in all honesty—I’d eat orange/cranberry scones every morning IF I could!
Terry, I’d eat a pumpkin scone every morning if I had the chance! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your breakfast of champions!
Amen to the pie!
Gayle, I love it was pie for breakfast only on the days after Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I usually keep baked potatoes in the fridge. I cut one up and lighting sauté in a bit of oil. And then top it with two eggs over easy. Oh and coffee with half & half. Yum 😋
Rebecca, thanks for sharing your breakfast of champions. My husband (a champion) would love it!
Steel cut oats topped with bananas, apple, and walnuts. I alternate this through the week, with spinach omelette and whole grain toast.
Frances, you are healthy! Definitely a breakfast of champions.
I make a morning drink I call my Mocha Protein Shake. I’m having trouble eating…just not very hungry so this is enough to start my day, then mid-morning I will eat some fruit. I love fruit.
Hi Mary, I’m a fruit lover too. Seem to crave it as soon as I crawl out of bed.
Mine varies. Always coffee with peppermint drops and French Vanilla creamer. Could be a parfait, oatmeal, toast, just whatever I want that morning.
Jane, I like your variety. I’m usually so hungry that my typical is what I do! You are a healthy eater.
I am not a morning person and do not want to eat until mid-afternoon. I *have* to eat something because I take medication requiring food. Most mornings, I eat a quick, easy-to-fix item: cottage cheese, cold cereal, cheese slices, or banana. It gets the job done.
Dennis, if it gets the job done, then stick with it. Champions eat a variety of breakfast foods!
I read all those healthy responses you received, so I hardly dare add mine! If I dared serve bagel and cream cheese to my husband, our marriage wouldn’t have lasted 56 days, let alone 56 years! So, meat, eggs, biscuits, and preserves a couple of times a week. Oatmeal with fruit and nuts and whole wheat toast with Smart Balance and preserves a couple of days. On other mornings, cold cereal (Raisin Bran and Shredded Wheat with Bran), fruit, toast, and preserves. I refuse to purchase kids’ sugary cereal. Perhaps my wonderful mother-in-law is looking down from Heaven’s gate and approving my efforts to keep her 86-year-old baby healthy!
Peggy, you are proving the Breakfast of Champions works!
With Ohio maple syrup- of course!
And a side of grits.
No breakfast of champions, but delicious.
Joyce, I’m laughing! Sounds like a breakfast of champions to me!
Fresh ground coffee with cream. Sometimes eggs, sometimes leftovers from the previous night, cold.
Tripp, you are definitely a writer!
You are a blessing!
Thank you.
I try! Thanks
Finding a healthy, diet-friendly breakfast I like is such a challenge for me. I don’t want to eat carbs, but the protein choices are eggs and mostly pork, which in my humble opinion tastes better than turkey. I also don’t want to eat a lot for breakfast and would rather grab a piece of whole grain toast instead of make a whole breakfast. But where’s the protein? Often, I only have coffee, but I keep hearing that message about how important breakfast is, so I try.
Marilyn. We all try! Sounds like you are doing super good!
For me, it’s two yeti’s full of coffee flavored with Almond/coconut mill and a dash of caramel syrup with homemade protein muffin and protein peanutbutter ball. That’ll hold me until lunch…
Patricia, I’ll split the peanut butter ball!
I drink a protein smoothie every morning:
Almond milk (I can’t have dairy)
Vegan Protein powder (I’m not vegan but can’t have eggs, so no whey protein for me)
Local, raw honey
5-6 pecans
Handful of kale
Handful of blueberries
Handful of strawberries
OJ and Hot tea (can’t have coffee either)
It’s not pretty but tastes great. When I travel to cons, I bring the powder and almond milk and make sure to have fruit with my breakfast.
Barbara, I have some of your eating challenges too. I might just try your smoothie!
I’d rather have breakfast with my champions and nurse a cup of coffee (maybe several cups).
Lewis, LOL I’ll nurse several cups of coffee!
French roast coffee with creamer
2 Brazil nuts, 7 almonds
1/2 apple
Sometimes slice of toast with PB
If not toast, then oatmeal or Creme of Wheat
Barbara, your breakfast mirrors mine – minus the creamer in the coffee. Thanks!
tablespoon or more of fruit and nuts granola
teaspoon chopped toasted pecans if I’ve roasted some
1 1/2 teaspoons of Black Raspberry Seedless jam
roughly a 1/2 or so of 4% Fage Greek Yogurt
Could be anything from going to Panera’s to making pancakes
Hubby makes Bagel Egg and Cheese Sandwiches, he adds turkey sausage to his
Terri, Looks great and healthy to me!