July 30—International Friendship Day

By DiAnnMills @DiAnnMills

International Friendship Day is celebrated on July 30th. This is a special time to acknowledge and appreciate our friends around the globe. Those special people could live next door or across the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.

We are fortunate in today’s world to enjoy relationships from the screens of our electronic devices. No travel needed, only a willing heart. No matter how we choose to connect with others, the effort seals the friendship.

Friendships simply make us better people—physically, mentally, and spiritually. The result is mutual respect for culture, race, ideals, and fostering optimism in the state of the world.

How do we reach others and show our sincerity?
  1. Invite friends for dinner. July 30th is also National Cheesecake Day, so there’s a dessert idea. As the host, you could ask for various topping ideas and initiate a Friendship Cheesecake.
  2. Reach out with special greetings to those in other countries.
  3. Design little gift bags commemorating the day. Add a few pieces of wrapped candy and distribute them to neighbors, friends, and coworkers.
  4. Create a friendship card online. Blue Mountain has cards for everyone.
  5. Volunteer at your favorite charity or a nursing home. Make the event special.
  6. Deliver a goody treat to first responders.
  7. Show appreciation for church or school staff. Supply donuts for their morning break.
  8. Use your imagination! When was the last time you gifted someone with flowers?
  9. Visit a shut-in. Their days can be long and lonely. You could chat or read to them.
  10. Offer to help with a household chore, gardening, or babysitting.
  11. Treat someone to a movie, museum, shopping trip, zoo, or an unusual place that fits the person’s personality.
  12. Take a walk down memory lane? Is there a high school or college friend with whom you could connect?
  13. Contact your church or community group that supports active military or veterans. How can you show friendship to them?

Your turn! What can you suggest to celebrate a memorable International Friendship Day?

Comments 15

  1. This is grass roots good. And needed. Friends make life valuable. While on the mission field, I made friends which is something almost as valuable as people turning to God. Thanks for blessing others with your creativity.

  2. I love to make new friends and keep up with older ones.

    My son, Alex Klager, has written a book. It is called Beyond Believe and can be purchased on Amazon.

    I was so surprised because I had no idea he was pursuing this project.

  3. DiAnn,
    As Roy Rogers used to say, “May the good Lord take a liking to ya!.” :~)

    And I say, “HE already does”…..and I’m so glad that HE lets us, your Readers, be friends with you.

    Have a wonderful day:~))
    PS…IF you want to send me a large piece of Cheesecake….I WILL eat it:~))

  4. 🌟 Celebrate International Friendship Day on July 30th by reaching out and showing your appreciation! Whether it’s hosting a cheesecake party, sending a thoughtful card, volunteering, or simply reconnecting with old friends, make the day special for those you care about. 🎂💌🎁

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