Houston—The Most Diverse in the USA

Tweetable – Houston – The Most Diverse City in the USA via @DiAnnMills http://bit.ly/1MSkWRb #WritersLife in #Houston (Click to Tweet)



Houston Skyscrapers

I love Houston. It’s my home, and that makes it the most special place on the planet. Oh, I know you’re thinking of cowboys and oil wells, Texans and Astros. And those things are true. But Houston appeals to many people groups. According to a 2012 report from the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University, the Houston metropolitan area ranked as the most ethnically diverse city in the US, surpassing New York and Los Angles. We’re filled with cultural diversity from Anglos, Latinos, Asians, and African Americans.


Not all of us have longhorns.

Consider the gifted and talented people. The spirit of Houston is rich with those reaching out to achieve their hopes and desires. When those who seek the best for their communities rise, we find museums, festivals and parades, historical celebrations, medical facilities, various religions, learning centers from preschool to colleges and universities, small businesses and high rise buildings, and always the opportunity to fulfill worthwhile dreams. It’s amazing and exciting. All I need do is look around at the array of smiles, and I see a city that cares about its citizens.


Neighborhood Crime

But with this enthusiasm for unity and a blending of culture comes differences. Some of those differences are not easily solved. Injustice steps its ugly foot into what could be beautiful. Crime rises. This is true for every city in our country. Gangs fight for control of the streets. The greedy look for ways to steal and betray. Prostitution, drugs, fraud, and every conceivable crime snake through our neighborhood creating fear. When men and women who are powerful in business and government take advantage of people, justice must be served there too. If a community doesn’t seek appropriate relief, chaos can take over. This is not where we want our children to play. And criminals are not acceptable role models.


Memorial Park

Memorial Park

When innocent people face overwhelming odds, I see the beginning of a novel where good triumphs over evil, even when a situation looks bleak. At times the bad guys gain momentum. Neither in real life nor in the story world can that be allowed to continue.
I write about brave men and women who refuse to accept defeat. Sometimes my characters are trained professional crime fighters. They choose to keep the city free from crime, and they are trained to make sure the job gets done. Sometimes my good guys are unlikely men and women who are determined to find the needed skills to bring an end to crime. All put themselves in danger for a greater cause.


Houston skyline

The key characteristics is for my heroes and heroines to have passion for a cause. Add bravery, intelligence, and determination and I’m up all night twisting a plot. Houston is an amazing part of the country, and it’s all because of the diversity of its people. That’s why I write about the FBI. My city is filled with hope.

What do you enjoy about where you live?


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DEADLOCK Available NOW! Click above to learn about some of the research for DEADLOCK

DEADLOCK Available NOW! Click above to learn about some of the research for DEADLOCK

DEADLOCK by DiAnn Mills - FBI: Houston Book 3