Tempting Recipes for a Yummy Christmas Celebration

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills If you’re like me, I’m scrambling for Christmas recipes. I’m pulling out tried and true recipes while looking for a new tempting taste treat. Over the years, I’ve saved yummy how-to dishes for appetizers, salads, soups, vegetables, main courses, and of course desserts. Below are a few favorites that might be suitable for your Christmas feast. …

The Reindeer Apprentice by DiAnn Mills

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This week concludes a series of weekly blog posts featuring 1 of 6 Christmas short-story ebooks I’ve written. I am posting one each week as a free download for my readers on Pinterest. I’m hopeful one or more of these will be just the ticket to get you in the holiday giving spirit. This 6th and …

The Year Santa Slept Through Christmas by DiAnn Mills

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This week continues a series of weekly blog posts featuring 1 of 6 Christmas short-story ebooks I’ve written. I am posting one each week as a free download for my readers on Pinterest. I’m hopeful one or more of these will be just the ticket to get you in the holiday giving spirit. This 4th week’s …

DollyAnna’s Miracle by DiAnn Mills

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This week continues a series of weekly blog posts featuring 1 of 6 Christmas short-story ebooks I’ve written. I am posting one each week as a free download for my readers on Pinterest. I’m hopeful one or more of these will be just the ticket to get you in the holiday giving spirit. This 3rd week’s …

The Sugarplum Shoppe by DiAnn Mills

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This week continues a series of weekly blog posts featuring 1 of 6 Christmas short-story ebooks I’ve written. I am posting one each week as a free download for my readers on Pinterest. I’m hopeful one or more of these will be just the ticket to get you in the holiday giving spirit. This 2nd week’s …

The Christmas Traveler by DiAnn Mills

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills This week launches a series of weekly blog posts that will feature 1 of 6 Christmas short-story ebooks I’ve written. I will post one each week as a free download for my readers on Pinterest. I’m hopeful one or more of these will be just the ticket to get you in the holiday giving spirit. This …

What Aspects of a Romantic Suspense Novel Thrill You?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills During Lone Star Literary’s book blog tour for Fatal Strike, I learned a lot about what readers prefer in a romantic suspense novel. The responses can help me weave what reader preferences into my stories. The following 16 responses interested me, and I wanted to share them with you. Good character development The edge of the …

October 22 – National Color Day

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills October 22 is National Color Day. I find the celebration fascinating. My heart softens at the sight of gold, copper, burnt orange, deep yellow, scarlet red, and deep violet. Fall graces us with nature’s one last blazing hurrah before winter blankets the earth with cold and snow. How shall we commemorate the day’s palette? Here are …