Overwhelmed by trying to build your reader audience?
This how-to release for writers is an up-to-date collection of indispensable step-by-step tips by DiAnn Mills & Edie Melson. SOCIAL MEDIA for TODAY’S WRITER is Book 1 in The Writer's Bookshelf - Library essentials for crafting great books.
SOCIAL MEDIA is an important part of every writer’s tool kit. But unless a writer knows how to use it, social media can be frustrating. Without proper knowledge, writers can waste both time and effort. WHILE THERE’S NOT a one-size-fits-all answer to using social media to build connections with readers, there are principles that apply to all circumstances to help writers connect with their audience.
This book will help every writer — no matter where they are on the publishing path — use social media to build effective connections and expand their reach.