New Friends, Not New Followers

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Every time someone new reaches out to connect with me through social media, I have a new friend. For me, social media is about building relationships. Not just for me to promote my name, post, or career. This is a connection point, and my goal is to make and keep friends by helping you navigate life’s paths through anything I’ve learned along the way.

I have four ways to reach out to you:
  1. To offer knowledge about something that interests you or answers a question in which I might help. And if I don’t have an answer, I’ll do my best to find one.
  2. To offer assistance to any of you who are interested in writing and the publishing industry. Your interest may be fiction or nonfiction, and I want to put the proper resources and tools into your hand.
  3. To introduce you to new fiction and nonfiction authors who have powerful stories and information to enrich your life.
  4. To sometimes make you laugh when I’m being transparent in blog posts. Showing life happenings by adding humor helps us all laugh at ourselves and relax. Facing stress is always easier with a dose of laughter.

The more I write, the more I learn about myself, my views about life, and how to better impact the world for good. I want the opportunity to share my findings with you.

My goals for writing are three-fold:
  1. Entertain with story. This also means presenting fiction and nonfiction projects.
  2. Inspire others to dream big and find the tools to accomplish the previously unattainable. To challenge each reader to dream and find the resources to make those dreams come true.
  3. Encourage the downtrodden and those beaten down by life situations by offering light and hope. Life isn’t always good, but we can choose joy.

We may never meet each other face to face, but that doesn’t delineate a worthy friendship. Each one of us has a gift and purpose, and I encourage you to use yours to enrich another life.

What do you look for in an online relationship?