How Do Americans Celebrate the Fourth of July?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Raise the American flag! Proudly display the red, white, and blue! Breathe in patriotism! Thank God for our nation!

America’s 248th birthday hails as a spectacular event for the entire country.

America’s 248th birthday is a spectacular event celebrated across the entire country. No matter where you live in the United States—from Alaska and Hawaii to the North, South, East, or West—Fourth of July celebrations are ready to launch into fun. Cities and communities have planned parades, events, fireworks, hotdogs, and ice cream to honor this American tradition.

Be kind to all. This is a golden opportunity to invite those new to the community to your celebration.

Traditional Activities
  • Parades
  • Picnics
  • Block parties
  • Backyard barbecues
  • Subdivision parties
  • Firework displays
  • Ball games

Are you looking for a different way to make red, white, and blue memories? This could be the year to add a different patriotic spin.

Making Red, White, and Blue Memories

Looking for a unique way to add a patriotic spin this year? Here are a few ideas:

  • Start the day with a patriotic breakfast: Pancakes or waffles with blueberries, strawberries, and whipped cream.
  • Red, white, and blue clothing decorating contest: Show off original T-shirts, jeans, aprons, tennis shoes, sundresses, pajamas, or other apparel.
  • Patriotic jewelry contest: Create and wear patriotic jewelry and host a contest for the best piece.
  • Show appreciation to the military: Acknowledge and thank military members for their sacrifices.
  • Volunteer: Serve a meal to the homeless to show America’s concern and care for others.
  • Attend a concert: Enjoy live music in a festive atmosphere.
  • Create unique local events: Organize something special that reflects your city or community.
  • Swimming or boating party: Cool off with a water-themed celebration.
  • Face painting: Host a face painting contest.
  • Art display or contest: Showcase local artists’ patriotic-themed works.
  • Ice cream making contest: Compete to create the best homemade ice cream.
  • Best patriotic desserts contest: Show off your baking skills with red, white, and blue treats.
  • Incorporate cultural and ethnic traditions: Celebrate the diverse heritage of America.
  • Backyard campout: End the night with a family campout after the fireworks.
  • Online party: Celebrate with family and friends who can’t be together in person.
Precautions for a safe and happy celebration 
  • Keep fireworks away from children
  • Follow instructions for fireworks
  • Be mindful of fire hazards

Are you ready to enjoy the birthday of our country’s independence? How do you celebrate the Fourth of July? Share your ideas in the comments below.

Comments 6

  1. We plan on watching fireworks at a venue close by. You have to get there early to set up your chairs and blankets because it fills up quickly. My granddaughters, including my newest granddaughter who was just released from the NIC unit a week ago, will be there in their red white and blue. Can’t wait to celebrate our freedom.

    1. Maureen, what a fun 4th of July celebration! Congrats on the new granddaughter. Have an incredible time!

  2. Thanks for the suggestion of an online event! I am not able to be in the heat, so this is a great option for me!

    July 4th is also my husband’s birthday. We get a 2 in 1 celebration!

    1. Hi Cindy, sounds like a wonderful duo celebration! I’m all about the fireworks display either in person or on TV. Have a wonderful 4th and birthday celebration.

  3. This year my husband an I will be singing at a Latvian Song Festival in Toronto. Choir of 1000… many of whom are grateful they or their parents were able to immigrate to the USA or Canada!

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