Creating Fun for Readers

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

We writers love to announce our new books to readers. We’re excited, passionate, and long for them to enjoy a new adventure. We might think that should be enough for readers to jump onboard our book-baby, but we can thrill them even more by offering ways to enjoy the book privately or within a book club.

Here are a few ideas for creating excitement around your fiction books:
  1. Themed games and icebreakers that pertain to something in the story. This website offers clever ideas. I’ve bookmarked it for myself to return again and again.
  2. Puzzles and word games are creative to design and play. This website shows the user how to create word searches.
  3. This website has many puzzle-making templates.
  4. Teachers have lots of resources to make their lessons enjoyable and appeal to varied types of learning.
  5. Discussion questions that encourage readers to share opinions and look at life differently open our eyes to an ever-changing world.
  6. Some authors have rights to their cover designs and can turn them into coloring sheets. Explore websites that offer free online adult coloring sheets.
  7. Menu ideas help book reading groups to enjoy the book’s setting. Providing related recipes is a boost.
  8. Decorating ideas for a book club gathering that coincide with the genre, characters, and/or setting is another way to tie in the theme of the book.
  9. Authors who visit the book club group allow readers to pose questions and form a relationship with the author.
  10. Zoom sessions allow the author to visit a book club group anywhere in the world virtually.

On my website is a tab devoted to book clubs. Reader activities are in place for Concrete Evidence and previous titles. Who knows? You may find inspiration for your own book release or for your book club readers.

Do you have additional thoughts on creating fun for readers you would like to share?