Are You an Introvert or an Extrovert?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Most of us know if we’re introverts or extroverts, but do we know to what extreme? Are we a little introverted or a lot? Are we a friendly extrovert or an over-the-top people person? Rarely is a person 100 percent one way or the other. We are individuals and our preferences and life experiences determine our behavior and personality.

The definition of each gives us a clearer picture of our personality type.

Introvert: A person who tends to be quiet, even withdrawn. They are inward people. This personality type doesn’t need to be around others to feel satisfied. They enjoy solitude. Solo activities are a perfect way to spend a day. On the other hand, being around lots of people is exhausting. Introverts have only a few close friends and can be viewed as hard to get to know. In a large room or social gathering, these people prefer sitting in the corner and observing others. It’s more important for an introvert to understand themselves and why they behave or think than to acquire and practice social skills. They prefer working independently and excel at jobs and careers that allow them to explore the world on their own.

Extrovert: A person who loves people. Not just loves them but thrives on being with others. An extrovert steps into a crowd of people and is exhilarated, fulfilled. Have you ever met a person who could make friends with a fencepost, was the life of a party, or had to be in the middle of a crowd? Often extroverts will take risks and appear to have a wild nature. They seek adventure and are optimistic. Without people in their lives, they can become depressed.

An introvert watches people and can tell you much about them, while an extrovert is too busy talking to their new best friend to relay much about what is happening around them.

Discovering the personality type for my story characters is the first step in my characterization process. The extent of introversion or extroversion lays the foundation for my story. Much more is needed to present a unique and engaging character, but this is where it begins.

If you’re curious where you rank on a personality scale, I use a free online test based on the popular Carol Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ typological approach:

What did you learn about yourself?