April 7 – World Health Day

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

April 7th is World Health Day. This spring we’ve heard so much about the danger of the coronavirus that we may be ready for another topic. Or maybe we are grateful for healthy bodies. I’d like to take a different angle and offer what a healthy body means:


The following acrostic is a reminder of how important energy and good health is to all of us.

E – Energy

Not everyone has the same interest and enthusiasm for a daily workout, but 21 – 30 days can form a practice into a habit. Try it! The result is our brains will be firing on all cylinders.

N – Nutrition

“We are what we eat,” is fortunately or unfortunately true. When we load our diets with lean protein, whole grains, and lots of fruits and veggies, our bodies thank us. They’re meant to last a lifetime.

Our health is reflected in what we set out to do, and that is a direct reflection of what we eat, daily exercise, and state of mind. All three weave together to ensure we stay on top of our game.

E – Entertainment

Another adage is, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Balance work and play and laugh away the stress and overwhelmed mode that often accompanies a weary body. Muscles relax and creativity takes a boost when we feed our bodies with fun.

R – Rest

Eight hours of sleep allows our bodies to maintain healthy physical and mental bodies. Those who don’t receive the proper amount of sleep are more likely to gain weight and catch viruses. Face it, we can’t give 100% when we’re tired and sick.

G – Give

Cherish your unique God-given gift. Not everyone has the ability to dance, heal, knit, lead, paint, sing, teach, write, construct. When we embrace our talents and share our precious gifts with others, we find tremendous satisfaction.

Y – You

No one but you can do the work of establishing and maintaining a healthy body but you.

How are you ensuring good health?