41 Tips to Make You a Better Writer

by DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Writers today search for tips to help them move forward in the craft. The following are 41 ways to sharpen your writing career.

  1. Pray for your writing ministry.
  2. Read in the genre you are writing.
  3. Read a craft how-to book each month.
  4. Read a marketing book each month.
  5. Study the bestsellers like a textbook.
  6. Study daily a blog about the writing craft.
  7. Study daily a blog about branding, social media, marketing, and promotion.
  8. Study social media platforms and post regularly.
  9. Use your knowledge and expertise on social media to help and encourage others.
  10. Post one self-promotion social media post per every five posts.
  11. Establish a daily writing schedule and stick to it.
  12. Establish goals for every area of your writing career and analyze them quarterly.
  13. Participate in a writer’s group, either online or face-to-face.
  14. Invest in a professional writer’s conference.
  15. Determine to always present your best writing.
  16. Find your readers.
  17. Get out of your comfort zone and meet readers.
  18. Explore blogging to see if it’s for you.
  19. Explore podcasting to see if it’s for you.
  20. Explore text to voice software.
  21. Invest in techniques to learn effective speaking.
  22. Use a scheduling tool for social media posts.
  23. Use an app to check grammar on all writing projects.
  24. Mentor a serious writer who needs assistance.
  25. Edit everything you write before pushing Send.
  26. Follow social media experts online.
  27. Follow professional writers online and comment on their posts.
  28. Follow editors and publishing houses online.
  29. Develop a database for libraries.
  30. Develop a database for bookstores.
  31. Develop your brand.
  32. Schedule workshop and speaking events, not just book signings.
  33. Visit bookstores and introduce yourself to the manager or PR person.
  34. Request permission to take photos with store owners and librarians. Post and tag on social media.
  35. Create a spreadsheet for planning and tracking blog posts.
  36. Create a social media spreadsheet for all social media platforms.
  37. Recruit a street team for a successful book launch.
  38. Give back more to your street team than you expect from them.
  39. Remember your agent and editor(s) on special occasions.
  40. Remember your marketing and promotion team on special occasions.
  41. Reach out to other writers in your genre to cross-promote.

Download PDF of tips here.

There you are! 41 tips to help you move forward in your writing career.

What additional tip can you offer?