Two men, one woman. War-torn, disease-ridden Sudan. One powerful God.
DiAnn has a passion for the people of South Sudan. Illiteracy is rampant there, and many are unable to read the Bible.
Your purchase of this ebook will directly impact the people of South Sudan since DiAnn will be donating all royalties to Every Village, a 501(C)(3) Organization, to help distribute solar-powered, hand-held radios in local communities.
Every Village’s radio network reaches the masses with the gospel and community development teaching—broadcasting Bible stories, health & hygiene training, news, and educational programming in local languages. Learn more about this vital ministry here.
Once a member of the royal family in Sudan, Paul Farid now carries a price on his head for becoming a Christian. Called to aid his persecuted countrymen, Paul risks his life nearly daily but worries that his sometimes-reckless actions may bring harm to his wife, Larson. This war-torn country is certainly no place to raise a family . . . but that’s little comfort when Larson realizes she’s pregnant.
After fighting more than two decades against the Sudanese government’s mandates, Colonel Ben Alier is wary of the fledgling peace treaty meant to unite the north and south again. Ben vows not to give up the fight, but a pressing health concern turns his thoughts toward securing his legacy and finally acknowledging his son.
The days ahead hold no promise of peace, so Paul, Larson, and Ben must learn to trust God in all things, no matter where tomorrow leads.
Where Tomorrow Leads is recommended for fans of the following:
- Romantic Suspense with an international setting
- Christian Fiction
- Clean Romance
Here’s a list of specific ways you can pray for the Sudanese today. Based on a list compiled by the Persecution Project Foundation:
1. For Sudan’s government to allow Sudanese to worship without persecution freely;
2. For complete healing for those who have suffered trauma;
3. For the Lord to work through the audio Bibles given to those who are unable to read His Word;
4. For hospital chaplains in the war-torn Nuba Mountains to comfort patients and encourage staff in Jesus’ name;
5. For those who view THE JESUS FILM to become His followers;
6. For pastors attending training conferences to support one another and grow in boldness and faith; and
7. For pastors to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ farther and faster using the motorbikes they have received.