When Life Needs a Perk

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

The good times of our lives are the super memory-makers. We take photos, fill scrapbooks, and tell the world through social media about our good fortune.

Then the downside of life hits us square in the face. Where did this come from? I thought my job was secure. My kids made great choices until now. Divorce – what did I do wrong?  Hey, Doc, is my cancer curable? Our very souls tremble with the devastation. We wonder why and sometimes we’re angry at God and the world.

Smiles turn to tears.

Optimism slams into a wall of negativity.

Fatigue and a churning in our stomachs can leave us unable to perform the simplest of tasks.

In Deep Extraction, FBI Special Agent Tori Templeton lived in fear of those she loved being diagnosed with cancer. Her brother had suffered and died with the dreaded disease. Now her partner is facing the big C diagnosis. How can she continue her job when fear stalks her? But life gives her a huge perk and her fears are diminished.

How can we gain a perk, find a little peace and good news? Think back to the last time you walked through a valley of despair. How did you cope? Ignore it in hopes it would disappear? Found tools to help you manage the problem? Became more spiritual?

Too many times when the trials pass, we fail to evaluate the situation. In truth, we become stronger people and are able to help others through our school of experience. If you’re a survivor, take a look around you and see who you can help.

If you would like for me to pray for you, send me your request in an email to diann @ diannmills . com
What about you? Where do you find peace in disturbing times?



Please note we are still awaiting confirmation from recent giveaway recipients and hope to announce winners in next week’s blog post.

 DiAnn’s Library Corner


Librarian – April means spring! Encourage patrons to share in photographs what they are doing to spring up their homes inside and out. Post them on a bulletin board or pin them on a Pinterest board.


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